Tour of the Workspace

The LiveCode for FileMaker Workspace (workspace) allows you to

  • browse the built in function, forms and custom components
  • define custom functions using the LiveCode Script programming language,
  • create simple forms from a selection of control types
  • add custom windows using content built in the LiveCode IDE

The workspace can be opened from the LiveCode for FM solution by clicking on the Forms (1), Functions (2) or Custom Components (3) buttons on the Welcome screen.

The Functions pane

Clicking on the Functions button takes you to the Functions pane of the workspace. All built in and user created functions are show here.

  1. The list of functions - this includes built in functions and functions created by the user.
  2. Function actions - you can add, clone and delete functions. Built in functions (beginning with 'lc') cannot be edited or deleted. If you want to make changes to a built in function you can make a clone and edit the clone.
  3. The name of the selected function.
  4. A description of the selected function.
  5. The script of the selected function.
  6. The parameter value input area.
  7. The Run button, allows you to test the function.
  8. The output area - this displays the value returned by the function or an error message, if necessary.
  9. The Save button - to save new or edited functions.
  10. The Close button - close this window and return to the main screen.

The Forms pane

The Forms pane of the workspace shows the built in and user created forms.

  1. The list of forms - this includes built in forms and forms created by the user.
  2. Form actions - you can add, clone and delete forms. Built in forms (beginning with 'lc') cannot be edited or deleted. If you want to make changes to a built in forms you can make a clone and edit the clone.
  3. These buttons allow the user to add controls to the form.
  4. A preview of the selected form.
  5. The 'clear form' and 'save' actions.
  6. The Close button, close the window and return to the main  screen.

The Custom Components pane

The Custom Components pane of the workspace shows the list of built in and user created custom components and the documentation for each custom component.

  1. The list of custom components - this includes built in custom components and custom components  created by the user.
  2. Custom components actions - you can add, reload and delete custom components. Built in custom components (beginning with 'lc') cannot be edited or deleted. To add a custom component you select a stack, created in the LiveCode IDE, that is written to run as a FileMaker custom component.
  3. The guide for the selected component.


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